When Love Comes Knockin' At Your Door


Molly waited outside for Davy. She wanted to tell him something that had been bother her all day. She was thinking whether she should tell him or not. Finally she decided to tell him, it was important to her for him to know. He should at least respect that. Heather and Will were talking inside.

Will asked, "Where's Molly?"

Heather answered, "Outside waiting for Davy. She's been out of it today since this morning like she was thinking about something. I think she's going to tell him something."

"I wonder what she's going to tell him, but knowing Molly something important," Will said.

"He should be here soon it's almost 4:30 p.m."

As Molly waited for Davy, she was wondering how he was going to take what she was going to tell him. When he arrived he said, " 'Ello luv."

"Hey Davy," she said as Davy sat next to her.

"Anything wrong?"

"Davy there's something I've got to tell you. I've been thinking about it all morning."

"Go on tell me. I'll listen."

"All right, here it goes. I'm half Puerto Rican. My parents when they were younger to now have gotten flak for being an interracial couple. My siblings and I do as well because were mixed at least in certain. It's hard to live or got to some places sometimes, but we manage it."

"Is that it?"

"Yes, Some people here in the U.S. don't like especially with the whole civil rights movement. Do you have a problem with what I am. Are you going to leave?"

She thought no it's not but it's part of it.

"No, I am not like anybody here. I'm British. We're more accepting of these thing in Europe. I'm glad you told me. Anybody else would be an idiot. I won't have any problem with you being mixed as long as you don't have a problem with me being short."

"I don't think that will be a problem. You're really sweet."

When they were done talking they walked into the house holding hands. They both had a feeling that some of the weight had been lifted. They had started to talk to everyone in the house and then the phone rang.

Will answered the phone and said, "No, she's not busy David. Molly the phone for you . It's your Dad."

"Hey Dad," Molly said.

"How's everything. I hope great considering you've made a new friend. So what's his name?"

"Everything is fine. It's like I have no secrets. Leigh told you didn't she. His name is Davy. So if you guys ever meet him there will be no confusion."

"That's great. Have you told him yet?"

Know what he was asking she said, "No but I will don't worry."

In the backround she could hear her little sister Tiffany talking, "Daddy who are you talking to?"

Molly laughed.

"I'm talking to Molly," her dad said.

"Can I talk to her?" Tiffany asked.

" Yeah, sure. You have fun at your aunts, ok Molly. Love you. Here's Tiffany."

"Love you. Hey Tiffany. How's my favorite little sister?"

"Hey Molly. I'm your only sister. Everything's great. Summer breaks been fun."

"How's your parents?" Davy asked.

"Who are you talking to?" Tiffany asked.

"I'm talking to I guess you would call him, my boyfriend, Davy."

"Oh. Can I talk to him?" Tiffany asked.

"She wants to know if she can talk to you, Davy," Molly said with a laugh.

"Yeah. Sure, luv," Davy said.

"Davy will talk to you, Ok," Molly told Tiffany.

"Hey Davy. I'm Tiffany. I look like my sister and I sing, too."

"Hi Tiffany. You look like your sister I bet you're just as pretty."

Molly thinking he thinks I'm pretty. She blushed.

"My eight year old sister wants to talk to my boyfriend," Molly said jokingly.

"Yep. Why do you talk funny?" Tiffany asked.

"Why to I talk funny?" Davy repeated.

On both ends of the phone Molly and her dad said, "Tiffany Anne, don't ask someone why they talk funny! That's rude."

"It's all right. I'm from England. Everyone there speaks like this. It doesn't seem weird to us," Davy said..

"Ok. Can I talk to my sister?" Tiffany asked.

"Sure, luv. Here's Molly."

"Hey sis."

"Hey. Dad's telling me I have to get off the phone. Dad and Mom say bye and to call them. Bye."


Molly hung up the phone. She moved to the other couch in the living room to join everyone. Davy followed. They sat next to each other. Everyone talked about everything.. Everyone decided to watch the movie that was going to be on the TV. She decided to move closer to Davy. Davy thought since she sat closer to him, he could put his arm around her. When he did she didn't stop him or make him move his arm. She invited and enjoyed it. Though no one said anything they thought it was cute. Before the movie started they told Davy a little about the movie so he would be interested in the movie. Molly was up for a part of the movie, but she fell asleep. Eventually they could hear her softly snoring.

"Molly Davy whispered, " Wake up or you'll miss the movie."

"Davy don't worry about it. Let her sleep. She's seen this movie before. She'll just fall back to sleep. Besides she's comfortable both the movie and in your arm. She's watched the movie each time it comes on, she knows it by heart."

"Ok. My arms getting numb though."

"I know your arms probably numb, but a girl is asleep on your arm. Enjoy it. You'll kind of get use to it," Will said.

Davy looked at Molly while she was sleeping and seen how peaceful she looked. She looked like an angel to him. He didn't want to bother her. He just stared at her for a few seconds more wanting to know what she was dreaming. He love the smell of her hair like flowers and started to play with her long blonde hair.

Heather got up to start making dinner. By Molly's request she made fajitas. Shrimp for Molly and Chicken or beef for everybody else. She finished about the same time the movie did.

"Dinner's ready." Heather said, "Somebody wake up Molly."

"Hey Molly, luv. It's dinner time your aunt says so," Davy said.

Molly woke up hearing Davy's voice and smelling the soap he used on his neck. What a great way to wake up she thought. Noticing on the TV the credits form the movie they watched. Still groggy she said, "What, I'm awake."

"Rise and shine, luv. It's dinner time," Davy said.

"Oh," she said wiping her eyes to get the sleeping bugs out.

She noticed that he had been playing with her hair. Normally that bothered her, but she let it go and didn't say anything about it to Davy. She smiled at Davy and laughed at the entire situation to herself. They walked to the table hand in hand.

"What's this?" Davy asked.

"Fajitas. Something Molly wanted for dinner. Mainly she just wanted shrimp," Heather said.

"Shrimp is healthy for you especially when it's grilled," Molly informed him, "that's why Mexican and Italian is healthier. Mostly it's grilled as I said. The seafood is the most healthy."

"Oh, I see," Davy said watching Molly fix her fajita.

"Do you wanna try some shrimp?" Molly asked with a shrimp on her fork offering it to Davy.

"Sure," he said before he took a bite of shrimp.

"What do you think?" Molly asked.

Davy nodded and said, "It was great."

Everyone watched and laughed at what was happening to themselves while fixing their fajitas. Molly not paying attention to them showed Davy how to make the proper fajita. Putting the shrimp, chopped tomatoes, lettuce, cheese, guacamole, and sour cream in the tortilla. Then took a bit out of the fajita, but before she put it down it exploded onto her plate. Davy laughed.

Molly said, "That's what forks are for. Besides if it fall apart you know it's good."

During the meal Davy only had two fajitas. He could barely finish the second one. The rest had about three and there was still plenty left over. When they were done Davy said, "Thanks for letting me come over and also for dinner, but I have to go."

"Your Welcome, Davy," Heather said, "You can come over anytime."

"Davy, I'll join you outside," Molly said.

They walked outside hand in hand.

"Thanks for inviting me over," Davy said.

"No problem," Molly said.

"Hey I have and idea. Why don't you come to practice with me tomorrow and watch?" Davy asked.

"I'd love to, but is that allowed?"

"Well, if it's not. I'll make it all right."

"Good night see you tomorrow. I'll have to get up early, won't I?"

"Goodnight and yes you will."

Before he left he reached to kiss her on the cheek They said their goodbyes again. As Davy walked away he turned around and waved. She waved back.


Next day Molly woke up early, took a shower, brushed her teeth, brushed her hair, put on a pair of jeans and a blue t-shirt, and went to find something for breakfast. She fixed a bowl of cereal. Then fixed a couple sandwiches and found a canteen to put some water in it. She wrote just in case everyone forgot about her plans. She put her lunch in her pack and waited for Davy. Davy got up a bit earlier to get ready. When he was done, he got some breakfast. Glad he got approval from the producers to bring Molly with him. They mainly approved it he thought because they wanted to meet the girl who made him crazy. He walked out the door and before he knew it he was at Molly's.

There was a knock at the door and Molly answered it.

Davy said, "Are you ready, luv?"

"Yes let me get my coat and pack," Molly said.

"Everything settled?" Davy asked a little loudly.

"Shh, don't want to wake up everyone else."

"Sorry. Everything settled," he whispered.

"Yeah. I told and left a note just incase they forgot. You?"

"Everything's okay with you coming."

Molly shut the door. They walked to Broadway. They got there after everybody else did and just walked in. Davy took her to the seats. The he left for a costume change. The started rehearsal. Davy didn't mess up once during rehearsal. Time flew by so fast it was twelve. She dug into her pack found her lunch and started to eat. Before she was done they went on a break, but they all stayed on stage starring at her.

"What," she asked when she realized everyone was staring at her, "You're going to give me a complex if you don't stop."

"Everyone, this is Molly Jackson," Davy said.

"So now we get a face to the name," the producer said, "Davy says you can sing. Will you sing for us?"

"Sure," Molly said as she put her pack down and walked on stage. She sang "And All That Jazz" and "Ave Maria" in English.

"My gosh. She's better then me," said the female actress who answered the phone when she called Davy.

She heard a couple other compliments from other people and she thanked them.

"Davy she's amazing. You didn't tell us she was amazing," the producer said.

"To be 'onest this is the first time I've heard her sing," Davy said totally blown away as well.

"Would you like a job her at Broadway?" the producer asked.

"Well that would be great if acting was my bag, Just singing. Acting is more of my cousin Holly's bag," Molly said. "Really are you sure?" the producer asked, "Does she sing as well?"

"No. She can't hold a note. We look a lot a like except she has strawberry blonde hair and is white. I'm half-Puerto Rican, half-white."

"I see one of you could were make up. You could do the singing and she could do the acting."

"I don't know."

The took her to the backstage and put foundation on her that would lighten her complexion. She still wasn't sure when they were done, because it wasn't just her decision to make. The she went back to her seat and they started rehearsal again once they finished their lunch break. When rehearsal was over Davy walked her back to her aunts house.

"See you later, Molly. Goodnight, Davy said kissing her on the cheek.

"Goodnight, Davy," Molly said.

Davy walking thinking I am such an idiot. I totally blew just then.

Molly walked into the house cursing in Spanish as she walked to her and Jen's room.

"Did you guys catch any of that?" Will asked.

"I'm going out on a limb here: she's complaining and cursing because Davy hasn't kissed her on the lips yet," Jen said.

"Oh," Everyone else said.


Where Do You Want To Go?

As We Go Along
The Road To Love