Take A Giant Step


June 1961

Molly Jackson, 14 soon to be 15, had long blonde hair, blue eyes, had a dark complexion, and was 5'6". She was half white, half Puerto Rican, but was also half alien. The race of alien Molly was descendent of was called Artisien. Artisiens are aliens of the fine arts. The parent who was an half alien as well was her dad. She was visiting her dad's sister- her Aunt Heather and her cousins Jennifer and Joshua (who were half alien as well) in New York. After being in New York for about a week she decided to walk around the city to get to know the place. Since she was young she trained herself to get to know an area in a short time whenever and wherever her family would move, because her father was in the army.

As she was discovering New York and not really paying attention to where she was going, she bumped into someone. As soon as she has gathered her thoughts, she heard a male, British voice, which was rather pleasant say, "I'm sorry my fault wasn't paying attention to where I was going."

Then she said," No, it was my fault. I'm sorry."

The thing the guy was thinking was that an American actually apologized for something and wondered where she was from. When she got a really good look at him she noticed he was short, had dark-brown hair, dark-brown eyes, and was really handsome. Her alien heritage gave her the ability to read his thoughts about her being courteous.

Then he said, "'Ello and not to worry about that, luv. My name's David Jones, but everyone calls me Davy. What's your name, luv?"

She replied, "My name's Molly Lynne Jackson, but everyone calls me Molly."

"That's a pretty name. How long have you been in New York?" Davy asked.

"Not long. I'm here visiting my family," said Molly. "This is the only day I could have to myself since I got here. So I decided to walk around." "Really, me too. I'm working in Broadway though. I'm in show that was performed the other night. It's called 'Oliver'."

"My aunt took me to that show that show the other night. You played the Dodger. I really loved it. I loved the music in Oliver. I really enjoyed the novel more though." She blushed at the thought she wanted to say. Davy went on stage she couldn't keep her eyes of him. She also thought he had a great singing voice. She just loved a man who was a musician, especially one who was a singer just like her.

"You love to read and you read the novel. You were probably criticizing the show, but you liked the show. Thanks. I really did my best."

They both laughed.

"You were really great in the show. I'm not lying."

"Thanks again. Would you like to join me since you getting to know the city as well?" he said as he held out his arm to escort her.

"I'd love to," she said as she put her arm in his.

"So why are getting to know the city on your own?"

"Well it starts with my dad being in the military. So we move around a lot. Some places we are there a year and some places longer. So we don't know what to expect at times. So I trained my self as a kid to get to know my surroundings within the first month we lived there to enjoy living there, making friends, hanging out with friends. Mainly in places that we didn't have any relatives, even then I would force my self to get to know the area by myself."

"That sounds groovy. Where have you lived?"

"Lots of different places. Actually right now I'm living in Orlando, Florida, which we have lived there for four years now. This is the longest we've lived anywhere. We have lived in Kentucky, Pennsylvania, and Indiana, which is where I was born, but we have lived there a couple times. Actually this is the second time we've lived in Florida."

"Those sound like groovy places. Which states have relatives?"

"States that have relatives?" asked Molly reluctantly wondering whether she should tell someone she just met where her family lives, but she had already told him other things. So, why not?

"The states that have relatives are Kentucky, Indiana, and Florida. Kentucky and Indiana has my dad's family. Kentucky is where his mother's family is, which his parents live there as well. Indiana is where his Dad's family is, which is where my grandpa is from including my dad. Florida is where my mom and her family are from. In those places I am surrounded by aunts, uncles, grandparents, and cousins who care for me-us. My family I mean."

Why am I stammering she thought to herself? She has dated and been interested in other guys before but none of them made her stammer let alone nervous.

"That's groovy, but in Florida you've probably know more than the town you live in."

"Yeah, I know more than Orlando, Florida that's for sure."

Davy laughed.

She pointed and said, "Look the Empire State Building."

"Yeah," Davy said while he looked.

"I know you're British by your accent, but what part of England are you from."

"I'm from Manchester."

Molly nodded while she said, "Groovy."

They walked around New York pointing things out to each other. While they were doing this they were laughing, talking, and getting to know each other becoming fast friends. It was getting dark so he decided to walk her to her Aunt's house. Before they got there she brought out a pen and paper from her bag that she had been caring and put her aunt's number on it and handed it to Davy.

"What's this?" Davy asked.

Molly replied, "The number of where I'm staying. Call me anytime. My Aunt Heather won't mind. She will be glad I'm making friends male or female, and hanging out with someone besides my cousins. I'm going to be honest about this with you: They're the only reason I haven't gone out by myself until to day."

They both laughed at what she said.

"Thanks. Could I give you my number?"

"Yeah, sure," she said as she handed him a pen and paper.

He handed them both back to her when he was done and said, "Remember to ask for Davy Jones."

"Ok, I will"

When they reached her Aunt's house she said, "This is it."

Then they walked up to the house. Davy let go of her arm. They stood in front of the door not saying a word.

Then Davy said, "It's really lovely."

"It's enough for my aunt and her family."

Davy said, "I guess this is it. See you around."

"Good night," Molly said.

He watched her as she unlocked the door. When she was done he waved before walking and she returned the gesture. She watched him as he walked away checking out his butt. Then she walked into her Aunt's house finding everyone waiting for her in the living room.

"Hello how was everyone's day," Molly said.

"Fine. How was yours," Her aunt responded. Not upset because Molly left note about her activities for the day.

"Great," She said. Holding back her enthusiasm.

"It was more than great," her aunt said. "from that look on your face. Your dad would get that look after being out with your mother before and after they started dating."

"Is it that easy to tell?"

Everyone nodded and laughed.

"Spill it Molly Lynne Jackson. All the juicy details," her cousins said including her aunt and uncle.

"All right. Can I eat first before I tell you?"

"It's in the microwave. Eat then tell us," said Aunt Heather

She went in the kitchen and reheated the food went to the kitchen table and at her dinner of roast beef and vegetables. When she came out she was ready and willing to tell them what happened.

"I met a guy."

"We knew that much we heard you outside talking and then the goofy look on your face you came in. What's his name, how'd you meet?" asked Aunt Heather.

She told them everything from when she bumped into them, when they made introductions, started walking to together, and exchanging numbers.

"Plus he works and he's my age. That's why he's in America. Davy was in the Broadway musical 'Oliver' we saw the other day. He played as the Dodger."

"Oh, he was the guy you could stop staring at when he came on stage and couldn't stop talking about when we came home," said Aunt Heather.

"Yeah. The one and the same."

"I think you purposely bumped into him, but then you don't like to use all of your psychic abilities. I think you thought about it though," her aunt said jokingly.

"I just hope he calls."

"Why don't you call him? You did say he gave you his number," Jennifer said.

"I know but it just doesn't seem right thing to do now," Molly said.

Joshua started singing and the rest joined in, "Davy and Molly sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G……."

Walking away and trying to ignore them she said, "I'm going to bed if you guys are going to act like a bunch of five year olds."

"She's got it bad," Joshua and Jennifer said in earshot of Molly.

Then she went into the room she was sharing with Jen and changed into her night, was singing to her self, "I'd Do Anything" from Oliver. When she was done she grabbed her copy of Lord of the Rings, which she was reading for the thousandth time. While she was reading she kept on getting distracted, so she decided to go to sleep. As she lay down her cousin came in with an expression on her face, got ready for bed and went to sleep. Molly laying on her bed in the quiet, rehashing the events of the day and laughed to herself and said, "Maybe they are right, I do have it bad. I would love for him to kiss me."

With that she went to sleep.


Where do you want to go?

I Can't Get Her Off My Mind